Yeah, I know: I used to poo-poo it too. But did you know that the MBTI can protect you from groupthink like nothing else? It's true. Word Count: 686 Reading Time: About 3 minutes + + + + + “You can’t say that!” Norma was staring … [Continue reading]
CG #45 – Collaboration and Your Myer’s-Briggs Type
CG #44 – Why Your Boss Has Stopped Listening
Word Count: 727 Reading Time: About 3 minutes Welcome to the leader’s dilemma: Staying open to input without dying from all those tiny cuts. + + + + + Leader: “It’s time to plan the annual Christmas party. Where would you like to … [Continue reading]
CG #43 – 5 laws of fearless collaboration
Collaboration isn't complicated. You don't need to wait until you attain enlightenment or become the person you've always dreamed of being. You can collaborate with everyone, every time if you keep in mind these 5 laws: 1. Letting go isn't … [Continue reading]
CG #42 – Persuasion or Influence?
I’m not saying persuasion has no place in collaboration…or am I? Word Count: 521 Reading Time: 1.5 minutes Eric is well-spoken, dapper and energetic. I’m watching him home in on and slowly tear apart a point someone has suggested that he … [Continue reading]
CG #41 – How Math is the Key to Change
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It’s finally ready! My new 52-week program, Honing Your Consulting Skills is ready for sign-ups. The program begins on September 25, but you can sign up starting … [Continue reading]
Welcome to Honing Your Consulting Skills!
I'm so glad you decided to take the plunge. The Honing Your Consulting Skills email lessons start on September 25, 2013. You'll get a new lessons a week for an entire year. Here's what you can do to get ready: 1. Find the email with your … [Continue reading]
CG #40 – Complaining Got You Down? Let’s Change That.
Productive complaining makes improvements; bad complaining feeds the ego and withers the brain. Word Count: 483 Reading Time: 1.5 minutes My partner came home from a week-long retreat with a tidbit of information that astonished me: 75-80% … [Continue reading]
CG #39 – Authenticity is Like Bleach
Too much can be overpowering; too little makes no difference. How do you get it just right? Word Count: 706 Reading Time: Under 3 minutes I’m having one of those summers where answering the question “How are you?” is tricky. There are many … [Continue reading]
CG #38 – An Easier Way to Say “No”

Because shouting “Have you lost your mind?” isn’t an option. Word Count: 464 Reading Time: Under 2 minutes This is for when a client or boss wants something done exactly their way and they want it done NOW and you just cannot see how it can … [Continue reading]
CG #37 – How to Get Your Motivation Back

What if everything we know about motivation is wrong? Word Count: 624 Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s not the corner office, the parking place with your name on it, a high salary or the perks that motivate. Motivation is making progress on what … [Continue reading]