Why can’t the whole meeting be an icebreaker?

Why we love icebreakers:

A good icebreaker accomplishes 5 things:

  • People are more energized and brighter afterwards.
  • They are more connected to each other.
  • They’ve had fun and accomplished something specific they could not have done alone.
  • They’ve used a transparently fair process that involves everybody and allows synergy to build, regardless of rank, other demographics, their differences, etc.
  • They’ve done it while still being led without loss of leadership.

That’s what a collaborative meeting does.  If your meetings aren’t doing that now, take heart.  It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

1.  Design the meeting (25%)

result, authority (implicit in icebreaker – not awkward), process

2. Have the meeting (50%)

be real, be present, be firm, be flexible.  Only 50% – plan yourself into appropriate participation and out of doing all the talking.  Leadership isn’t doing the most talking.  That’s being a boor.

3. Follow up (25%)

This is the key to success.


Leadership is not doing the most talking.

Sign:  “If things don’t add up, then it is time to subtract.”




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