CG #26 – Why Ignorance Trumps Certainty

“It could be that, or it could be something else”  is my new mantra.  Enlightenment awaits! Word Count:  486 Reading Time:  About a minute “Says You” is my favorite guilty pleasure.  I’ve long loved the witty wordplay and the contagious … [Continue reading]

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CG #25 – Only Paraphrasing Can End the War

Don’t you wish you had a guaranteed tool for conflict-resolution?  You do. Word Count:  606 Reading Time: 2 minutes You’ve got two employees who can hardly stand to be in the same room with each other. They won’t look at each other.  The … [Continue reading]

Strengths-Based Icebreaker for large groups

In my previous post using strengths-based icebreakers, I suggested using Martin Seligman's free instrument, the Signature Strengths Questionnaire, having people group according to highest strength, talk and report out. That's one approach.  Here's … [Continue reading]

CG #24 – How a Meeting Evaluation is Like Febreze

Think doing great work isn’t enough?  You’re right.  Word Count: 695 Reading time:  1.5 minutes When chemists at Proctor and Gamble created Febreze, they were thrilled.  Their invention eliminated even the most noxious odors which they’d … [Continue reading]

CG #23- Who’s Responsible for Bad Meetings? You are.

If you think it’s the leader’s job to make a meeting great, you’re going to be in a LOT of bad meetings.  Especially if you’re the leader. Word Count:  598 Reading Time: About a minute “You see but you do not observe.” Benedict Cumberbatch … [Continue reading]

CG #22 – Are You Collaborating or Just Giving In?

Think you can compromise your way to collaboration?  I see it differently. Word Count: 482 Reading Time: 1.5 minutes Collaboration and compromise are not related. They don’t even hang out together. Here are definitions of each from the online … [Continue reading]

CG #21 – Do Presentations Kill Productivity?

Word Count: 681 Reading Time:  1.5 minutes When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done, especially in meetings I’m in Powell’s books in Portland, Oregon, making a beeline for the business section so I can luxuriate in all their books … [Continue reading]

CG #20 – Why “Buy-In” isn’t Good Enough

Word Count: 684 Reading Time: Under 2 minutes If you’re settling for buy-in, it’s no wonder everything is taking so long. “'Just out of curiosity, what happy memory were you thinking of?' 'The first time I rode a broom.' 'That’s not good … [Continue reading]

CG #19 – Are You Making it Harder than it Needs to be?

CG #19 – Are You Making It Harder Than It Needs To Be? Word Count:  555 Reading Time:  Under 2 minutes Don't undervalue the minimum, the simple, or the easy.  Sometimes it’s as easy as trying another way. On this month’s free call, we … [Continue reading]

CG #18 – If Anger Only Lasts 90 seconds, Why Are You Still Mad?

Your body rids itself of the effects of anger in 90 seconds.  Now let’s take care of your mind. Word Count: 672 Reading Time: Under 2 minutes I’m watching a bunch of puppies play with each other. They move from growling and snapping playfully … [Continue reading]