Two truths and a lie is the most consistently funny icebreaker in my repertoire. You can re-use it too, because people have to come up with a new material each time: a new lie about themselves and two new truths to hide it behind. It works best … [Continue reading]
CG #54 – How to Get Happy and Stay that Way
If gratitude can counter depression faster than the “gold standard” of talk therapy combined with drugs, can it make me happy long term? Yup. But your negativity bias is going to fight back. Word Count: 696 Reading Time: about 3 … [Continue reading]
CG #53 – Refresh Your Team in 30 Minutes
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a “refresh” button for the exhausted team? There is. + = + = + = + Word Count: 544 Reading Time: 2.2 minutes + = + = + = + It’s February as I’m writing this. Groundhog Day … [Continue reading]
CG #52 – Taming the Small Group Report-Out
No one wants to deal with long meandering report-outs and stacks of flipcharts. And, good news! There’s a better way. Word Count: 678 Reading Time: Under 3 minutes Let’s say you decide to use small groups in your meetings. You … [Continue reading]
CG #51 – Peace of Mind or the Unenforceable Rule?
What if it's not reality that has you stressed, but the unenforceable rules in your mind? Word Count: 715 Reading Time: 3.2 minutes I just fired my new tax accountant, Bob. Well, fired may be too strong a word. Let's say I relieved him of a … [Continue reading]
CG #50 – What to Do When Your Actions Say “Shut Up”
We all have those painful moments when our words and actions don’t match. Word Count: 581 Reading Time: 2.5 minutes “If I look away when you’re talking to me, it’s because I get overloaded. If I try to take in everything that’s coming through … [Continue reading]
CG #49 –Dodging the Communication Deficit
Talking at people creates a communication deficit, yet I’ve got to get them understanding and moving on this year’s goals. Help! ________________________________ Word Count: 644 Reading Time: About 3 … [Continue reading]
CG #48 – How Big is Your Communication Deficit?
Speakers speak at 125-175 words per minute. Listeners think at 450-600 words per minute. That’s a ratio of at least 1:4. Word Count: 661 Reading Time: 2.6 minutes “We’ve tried everything with this group. We’ve told them about the new … [Continue reading]
CG #47 – The Truth About Icebreakers, Part 2

It’s easy to say “Do the work in a way that allows the team to build itself,” but is it easy to do? It is. Reading Time: 3 mins “Why are we doing this?” “Didn’t we do this last time?” “You want me to do what?” These questions precede every … [Continue reading]
CG #46 – The Truth About Icebreakers, Part One
Icebreakers don’t build teams. That's why you can't get enough of them. Word Count: 657 Reading Time: 2.5 mins "You can't get enough of what you really want." --Author Unknown "We want to do some team-building over our 3-day meeting. … [Continue reading]