CG #63 –Why Not Declare Peace? We polarize over our differences and turn what is merely strenuous into something stressful and exhausting. What if there was a better way? Reading Time: About 2 minutes The internet exposes our tendency to go to … [Continue reading]
CG #62 – Don’t Let Fear Stop You
If a bank regulator for the Federal Reserve can't ask uncomfortable questions without losing her job, what hope is there for the rest of us? "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes … [Continue reading]
CG #61 – Culture is what you do right here, right now
“That’s just the culture here. We can’t get anything done quickly.” Organizational culture has gotten a reputation for being difficult to unravel and nearly impossible to change. Is your organization’s culture really a trap you can’t escape? That's … [Continue reading]
Behavioral Interview Questions for “Soft” Skills
I love writing interview questions for my clients, so I thought I'd start compiling the ones I've written here with this short list. The "soft" skills questions seem hardest for people to write. It would be great fun for me to write more, so feel … [Continue reading]
CG #60 – How to Hold Someone Accountable
It’s tempting to think accountability depends on the other person and their skills. Nope. It depends on you. Reading Time: 3 minutes * * * * * THE SITUATION Let’s say you’ve got someone who is missing deadlines or turning … [Continue reading]
CG #59 – Does Your Productive Group Fall Apart at Times?
Groups excel at tasks, and flounder with projects. Learning to recognize the difference will revolutionize your meetings. * * * * * Reading time: 2 minutes * * * * * A task is something that can be … [Continue reading]
CG #58 – Cut Your Meeting Time in Half
There’s a reason professional writers write faster than the rest of us. What they know will cut your meeting time in half. + + + + + Reading Time: 2.6 minutes + + + + + “…my argument is that you should write … [Continue reading]
CG #57 – Real Feedback Doesn’t Shame

Giving feedback is not an excuse to belittle someone, yet it’s so easy to cause harm. A simple formula will keep you from crossing the line. + + + + + Word Count: 1100 Reading Time: 4 minutes + + + + … [Continue reading]
CG #56 – Are Your Meetings Messy Enough?
A plan is like a wax mold: When you pour the hot metal in, the wax form you spent hours perfecting melts away. Word count: 633 Reading Time: 2 minutes * * * * * “Hermione, when have any of our plans every actually worked? We … [Continue reading]
CG #55 – Working at Your Peak Without Burning Out
You can do anything 25 minutes at a time. You’ll do it better if you take a short break every 25 minutes. Word Count: 677 Reading Time: Under 3 minutes Dave is standing on the dock, covered in sawdust. He’s been remodeling the galley of his … [Continue reading]