One Situation, Three Kinds of Business
Mindset Mapping: Growth, Fixed or Mixed?
“Squirrel!” – Adventures in Mental Hygiene
Reading Time: 1.5 minutes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Earlier this week I was feeling lower than a snake's belly. I was metabolizing some difficult family news that left me with a low-level sense of dread I couldn't shake. I wasn't sure … [Continue reading]
Icebreaker: What’s Your Rhythm?
Reading Time: 1 minute Icebreaker Time: 10-15 minutes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here's a drum circle technique you can use anywhere, even when you have to be really, really quiet. 1. Have a participant say their name, then tap our the … [Continue reading]
The R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Icebreaker
Reading Time: 2 minutes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Since Aretha Franklin's recent death, I've been hearing this song everywhere - blaring from a bar as I walk past, on someone's phone at the next table over, from the … [Continue reading]
How to change someone else
Reading Time: 45 seconds +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There's a elegant, simple way to do this and there's the other way. The other way is to employ a variety of passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive techniques to get others to … [Continue reading]
The “Yes, And…” Icebreaker
Reading Time: 1.5 mins Icebreaker Time: 6-10 mins ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's 92 degrees with 90% humidity and there isn't even a fan in the room. Our teacher is twenty minutes late. A long-time student stands and turns to face … [Continue reading]
One-Word Story, a Team-Building Icebreaker
This is just like the clap-pass icebreaker, but words replace a hand-clap. It's just as fast and energizing, with one change: It can be harder to let go into the flow of the story. SET-UP The group can either sit or stand in a circle. Tell … [Continue reading]
CG #66 – “Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors.”

Do you ever feel like the universe is sending you a postcard? When I came home last night, the title of this post was scrawled in chalk on the ramp to my dock. ________________________ Reading Time: Under 2 … [Continue reading]
CG #65 – To Lead or Include, that is the Question

Getting a task done well and on time no matter who I trample, or losing my way in the messiness of including others: Is it just me, or is this the primary dilemma of leaders everywhere? ______________________ Reading Time: 2.5 … [Continue reading]