Welcome to Honing Your Consulting Skills!

Welcome to Honing Your Consulting Skills!

I’m so glad you decided to take the plunge.  The Honing Your Consulting Skills email lessons will arrive in your inbox every Wednesday morning.  You’ll get a new lesson each week for an entire year.

While you’re waiting, here’s what you can do to get ready:

1. Find the email with your username and put it in a safe place.  (I use a dedicated mailbox in my email program for these kind of things.  Others use services like Dropbox.).

2. Mark the monthly calls on your calendars.  They are the first Friday of each month, from 12:00-12:45 Pacific Time.   I’ll send out an email reminder a few days ahead.

3. Practice logging in to the Members Area on my website. That’s where you’ll find links to the live chats as well as archived lessons, archived chats, and monthly call recordings.

4. Start a list of situations and people in two categories:  1. Those you find easy and fun, and 2. those you find challenging.  You can list both personal and business examples.  These examples will come in handy when you need a situation to work with.

5. Send me an email introducing yourself.  My email address is:   liz@collaborationzone.com

Please let me know how I can help.
