Leadership Haikus – Fear

When the going gets tough, I write haiku. Personal haiku, political haiku, random haiku – I find it soothing to take something overwhelming and pack up all its punch in only 17 syllables. This week, I’ve been seeing the effects of fear everywhere I look, including the mirror. These 6 haiku are as much for me as for my clients and friends. Hope you enjoy them.


Go forward or go back?

Stay?  Start, stop, start, stop. Afraid.

That’s no way to lead.


Start strong, keep going.

Shadows follow, never lead.

They cannot catch you.


Gossip, distance, blame.

Do too much, don’t do enough.

Anxiety sucks.


Tired? Stuck? It’s fear.

Quick:  Get up!  Energy comes

from movement, not thought.


Deadline: Hurry up!

Key points I miss, rushing past,

Bite me later. Ouch.


Push, shout, threaten,

Justified in times like these!


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